Dad's Exhortation To his Amazing Family –I know I am one of the most blessed men in all of history because of the treasure God has given me in you. I am proud of you for who God made you to be. Be excellent at what is good while being innocent of evil (Rom. 16:19). Don’t seek out personal glory or financial wealth, all things good in life come from the Lord. Be humble, there is always going to be someone who is smarter, faster, and better looking. Seek godly wisdom, not the foolishness of the world (Eccl. 7:25). Protect the weak, stand up for what is right.
Be Christ to all peoples knowing that His gospel is more important than our own lives. Therefore do not be timid but proclaim His name among the nations (Matt. 28:19). Serve others as to serving the Lord. Work as if working for the Lord (Col. 3:23). Live by faith, God is in control. Seek His kingdom first in all things (Matt 6:33). Fix your eyes on Jesus and nothing else (Heb. 12:2). Know that Christ can justify you before God once you believe in Him and receive Him as Lord, however, you must work out your salvation and do good works to be sanctified and to store up treasures in heaven so that you have an abundant reward to throw at the feet of Christ (Matt. 6:20, 1 Cor. 3:13-15). Be self-controlled and godly because our blessed hope, the return of our King, is at hand (Titus 2:13). Long for his return; let it mold your life to action for his kingdom, hence you will receive the crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8). And finally remember that you are a child of God, chosen, royal, and holy (1 Pt.2:9) therefore live like it. Know that you are a citizen of heaven (Phil. 3:20), that our real home is in heaven which is more real than what we have here on Earth. Therefore live for eternity. I pray all these things for you, especially that others would see Christ Jesus in you. |
Our Family PurposeWe exist to glorify our Creator, Savior and King and to have an eternal relationship with Him…which starts now! We do this by putting Jesus above all, loving Him and loving people, and desiring to be like Him in every way. We also need to share Him with others as well as knowing and living His word. We obey Him and live for Him not to earn salvation but because of our salvation – not to persuade Him to accept us but because He accepted us – and because we are saved for good works, not by good works. |